Enrollment Deadlines

Natural Health Program 2/15/25

Therapuertic Bodywork Program 2/15/25

Holistic Doula Program 4/15/25

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Accommodations Policy:

The Naturopathic Institute in conjunction with the Naturopathic Community Center is happy to provide a bed and breakfast accommodation for its students. We will provide you with use of our full kitchen as well as eggs, bread, and butter so you can prepare your own breakfast. You may also bring other food to prepare your own breakfast, lunch and dinner, as you see fit. However, no food is allowed in the classrooms or common areas of the facility. The eating areas include the kitchens, tables in the student lounge, or when weather permits, outside on the decks. These are provided for your convenience.

Room reservations can be taken at the time of enrollment for the entire year, or you may call or email on an as-needed basis. While we can only accommodate 26 students in our facilities, we have partnered with a local hotel and bed and breakfast to accommodate any overflow. Regardless of where you stay, as long as the Institute is making the reservation, the cost remains the same for the weekend.

Due to the tight room schedule, if you have arranged to stay and you need to cancel, you will need to contact us by Wednesday of that week to cancel your room. If you contact us on Thursday or Friday or fail to contact us all together, then you will be charged the full accommodation fee. Payment for your room can be settled in the Herbs Etc store before closing on Sunday afternoon.

If you have any questions regarding the Accommodation Policy and Procedures, please feel free to contact the Administrator’s office.

House Rules: The same rules apply regardless of where you stay:

  • Clean up after yourself
  • Do the dishes
  • Wipe down the counter and stovetop
  • Wet towels can be laid out on top of the laundry baskets/washer. Do not put the wet things in with the dry things in the hamper
  • Check out is at lunch break on Sunday or before
  • Strip your bed on Sunday before you leave, and place sheets in the hamper in the closet or laundry room
  • Remove items from the refrigerator that belong to you – they will not be there the next time you stay…
  • Keys need to be returned to the key-board in the kitchen of the main house regardless of where you are staying

Other house rules are posted in the facilities. Please adhere to them.

If you have any questions regarding the Accommodation Policy and Procedures, please feel free to contact the Operations Officer.

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