Pursue a career in natural health or gain valuable skills to help your family and friends with their health concerns. Wherever your interests may lie in the field of natural health, the Naturopathy program of the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies & Education offers a variety of classes to meet those interests.

In this program you will learn:

  • How to use natural remedies to both heal and prevent disease with minimal side effects.
  • How to identify potential health issues with noninvasive and safe procedures.
  • How the field has grown by understanding the history of naturopathy.
  • How diseases and environmental poisons can affect the body and what can be done to protect oneself.
  • How to take a holistic approach to naturopathy; learning elements from our Therapeutic Bodywork Program and Holistic Doula Program.

This is a four-year course that allows you to earn a new credential with every completed year. Students are encouraged to commit to the full four-year program. After your first year, you become a Natural Health Educator. After your second year, you earn the title of Natural Health Therapist. Once your third year is completed, you will have earned the title of Natural Health Practitioner. Finally, after four years, you become a Certified Naturopath with the opportunity to take the American Naturopathic Medical Association National Exam to receive the title of Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.). You must complete each year in order.

Know the difference between a Naturopathic Physician and traditional Naturopathic Doctor. NPs have to go to four years of medical school with one year of alternative medicine. They take a self-directed exam with no third party oversight, and earn a title of Naturopathic Physician. A true traditional naturopathic doctor believes in natural modalities and therapies to heal the body. No scripts, no invasive tests, no insurance companies, and no licensure. You can read more about this here

-Dr. Bessheen Baker

1st Year Courses
(To Become a Natural Health Educator)

Students will learn techniques for facilitating stress reduction massage and improving the lymphatic system, including the eight basic strokes of massage, proper body mechanics, draping the client for modesty, ethics, and professionalism. There is lots of hands-on practice. (Required: two flat sheets [full size], one fitted [twin size] and 1 full size bath towel. Be prepared to undress down to your briefs or bring a pair of shorts.)

This is an introductory course that starts with why plants make oils, what makes them therapeutic and how to harvest them. The top 20 single oils and blends will be discussed.

This class will include molecular structure and the periodic table; structure of foods, vitamins, minerals and tissues; aerobic and anaerobic activity; what happens during digestion; what nutrients each system and/or organ is primarily composed of; and what elements each organ uses to function. Naturopathic Biology is fun!

A study of each body system and its functions; signs of dysfunction, deficiency, and excess; how dysfunction in one system can interact with other systems. Anatomy includes the bones and muscles and their locations and actions; organ location; nerve tracts and tissue types. Physiology includes individual function of organs, the parts they play in systems and the body as a whole; relationship among muscle, organ and nerve functions.

This class will include how to classify herbs as bitter, aromatic, astringent, mucilaginous, and nutritive. We will cover the properties and uses of single and combinations of herbs throughout the world and their benefits. Included is the technique of muscle testing, which helps determine which organs and systems are most troubled and how to assist the body with supplementation and nutrition.

The holistic philosophy and approach to true and abundant health are detailed in this class, bringing all the different assessment techniques together. Students will learn how to educate clients to facilitate natural healing and take charge of their own health; how to best blend therapies to fit the lifestyles, personalities, and abilities of their clients. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

This class will include an explanation of homeopathy; how homeopathy works on the vital force within the body; and what the different strengths or dilutions of homeopathic remedies mean. Included also are single homeopathic remedies for emergency situations and common ailments. Cell salts will be introduced.

This class will teach the science of iris analysis. Students will study the fibers of the eye to determine tissue weakness and the body’s predisposition to weakness. Numerous iris slides will be studied and manual observation of other students’ irises and the student’s own will be part of the training.

This class will include a complete discussion of vitamins and minerals; nutritional levels of foods; food sources of vital nutrients; advantages of fresh foods over processed foods; what elements we really get from foods; the RDA and how to use it; proper food combining for better digestion; remedies for digestive disorders; suggested food group ratios; and digestive times for various foods.

The unique technique of reflexology can be used on the hands or feet. Each foot contains 7200 nerve endings that can be traced back to every organ and tissue of the body. This class will teach you how to work on the feet by using specialized thumb and hand techniques. This skill is a must for Massage Therapists and practitioners of natural health alike. Includes the history of reflexology; theory and practice; meridians and nerve tracts; what you can tell about the body systems through the feet; oils that can be used.

Elements are the life-sustaining ingredients that make up every plant, animal and person. Learning the unique gifts that each of the elements has to offer is the essence of this class. This class will include an introduction to 16 macro elements, what each element is used for, and what the signs of deficiency include. Students will be able to understand disease and establish proper mineral balance, turning a devastating condition into a healing experience.

There are three parts to the final exam: written, oral and practical. Students will be tested over all subjects of the Natural Health Educator curriculum, using hands-on practical applications for Reflexology, and Bodywork 1. Students will be given a written exam that contains true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching and short answer questions over all subjects covered in the first year. Every student will also sit before a panel of their peers to answer questions in a formal setting. A presentation of the student’s research paper will finish the requirements of the weekend. A graduation ceremony will follow.

2nd Year Courses
(To Become a Natural Health Therapist)

This class includes additional nutritional and emotional pressure points. Students will be taught how to use muscle testing to determine which homeopathics, essential oils, amino acids, and other modalities are appropriate for individual clients. Students will also learn analysis by using a grading scale to determine clients’ improvements from one appointment to the next. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

Students will learn the function of each organ and its relationship to surrounding organs’ functions and balances. Energies of each organ will be discussed and how imbalances can affect health. Students will also learn about chemical reactions in the body, such as hormonal secretions and functions. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

This class will provide a base-level understanding of CranioSacral bodywork, which uses gentle pressure along the spine, cranial, and sacral areas to allow better flow of the cerebral spinal fluid. There are numerous emotional benefits to this unique technique, some of which can be noticed right away.

Students will have a unique opportunity to see the herbs growing in gardens specially prepared to enhance their healing energy and therapeutic value. The entire class will take place outside where students will observe planting patterns; patterns for energy and growth; how to establish their own gardens; proper replanting; when to harvest the herbs; identification of plants; and folk history about their uses and preparation for home use.

One of the most often overlooked aspects of healing is the impact of emotions. In fact, emotions that are unresolved or unacknowledged are often at the root of dis-ease. In this class, we learn how emotions impact our health, including our genetics and the genetics of our offspring, and ways in which to address them.

Let food be your medicine. Food is essential in the health and wellness of our body, mind and spirit. Learn about choosing the healthiest forms of foods and eating them in the proper balance. Sustaining good health lies in eating how nature intended. Learn to read food labels, how to create your own recipes, and gain insight about food co-ops, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), farm markets, health food stores and more.

This unique course gives students a memorable way to learn and understand the beauty of the glandular system. Information will be based on the explanations provided by well-known herbalist Steven Horne. The student will learn how this system affects energy, mood swings, the reproductive systems, and hormone balance. Body typing will be discussed as well as the need for essential fatty acids. With each gland discussed, natural remedies and food suggestions will be included, allowing for immediate results.

This class includes constitutional homeopathy; remedies for specific health concerns; what to do about inherited weaknesses; and how to use more potent remedies. The cell salts portion will include a detailed explanation of our tendencies for deficiencies in these elements; how deficiencies can cause great imbalances in the body; and how and when cell salts should be used. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

Students will learn what meridians are and how they affect the body, both physically and emotionally, location of meridians and how to clear blockages. In Light Healing Touch, students will learn about the main energy centers located throughout the body (chakras) and how touch can promote healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. These techniques are especially helpful to those in the dying process or those who are in too much pain to be touched.

In this class, students will learn to make herbal preparations, including hot and cold infusions, syrups, tinctures, salves, and understand how planting and harvesting according to moon phases increase benefits. An in-depth study of the heating and cooling patterns of herbs explains how these procedures apply to each person’s individual needs. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

This class covers the important truths & deceiving myths about vaccinations, how to identify certain toxins in the environment and most importantly, how to antidote them. Remedies include homeopathics, herbs and essential oils to remove nerve contaminants (such as mercury) and how to protect the body from vaccine and environmental poisons, as well as support the body in health.

There are three parts to the final exam: written, oral and practical. Students will be tested over all subjects of the Natural Health Therapist curriculum, using hands-on practical applications for Craniosacral Bodywork, Meridian Work and Light Healing Touch, and Bodywork II. Students will be given a written exam that contains true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching and short answer questions over all subjects covered in the second year. Every student will also sit before a panel of their peers to answer questions in a formal setting. A presentation of the student’s research paper will finish the requirements of the weekend. A graduation ceremony will follow.

3rd Year Courses
(To Become a Natural Health Practitioner)

How to assess clients; techniques include Fascia Alignment, Meridian Release, Neuro-vascular and Neuro-lymphatic treatments, Refined Palpation skills, Manual Lymphatic Drain, Neuro-muscular Facilitation and refining of body mechanics. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

Building on the first year Essential Oil course, students will recognize the proper distillation process and where and how the plants are grown and harvested; how to make blends according to clients’ special needs. Students will learn emotional and physical application techniques. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

Students will refine their technique and learn the reflexes of the hand as well as energy centers on the feet. Meridian work therapy covers allergy improvement techniques as well as emotional healing through meridian points. Additional techniques to address the impact that emotions and limiting beliefs have on health is also discussed.

Continuing the exploration of the body from Anatomy I and II, students will gain perspective on a cellular level of the immune system, the nervous system, and detailed disease processes. Through this in-depth understanding of the human body, students are better equipped to help clients bridge the gap between medical procedures and natural health options. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

This class is a detailed explanation of herbal, homeopathic, essential oil therapy, bodywork, colon hydrotherapy, fasting, and other modes of cleansing. It is designed to help the student determine which type of cleansing and at what intensity will be best serve to get the needed results. A close look at the Chinese model of herbs will be included.

Would you like to be able to tell more of what is going on with your clients by looking at their faces, the marks on their tongues, fingernails, skin, etc.? This course will give you numerous tools to use in the first few moments with a client. These tools can provide more information than several medical tests combined. A good evaluation is the key to a successful consultation and long-term results for the client. One of the few classes where sticking out your tongue is considered good participation!

This class will cover the preparation of food without destruction of the extremely important enzyme content and nutritional value. Students will observe and actually practice sprouting seeds, growing fresh greens, composting, juicing, and preparing unique meals. Creating meals with high levels of nutrients for total cellular repair in the body is the focus. Best of all, the food prepared will be consumed by the students! Students will be introduced to eating according to their blood type and its benefits.

Students will bring together all aspects of herbology: identifying, growing, transplanting, harvesting, drying, preparing, and applying. Students will be able to go from the field to the remedy while understanding each aspect of the process. Twenty key herbs will be studied in detail. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

The history of medicine itself encompasses all disciplines and philosophies. We will explore the roots of naturopathy and other forms of medicine to ascertain their similarities and when and where differences in philosophies occurred. Understanding the history of naturopathy allows advanced students to feel more confident in their chosen path.

Students will learn how to bring homeopathy into a vital part of the naturopathic program. Focus will be on influenza, its history and proper treatment. Several key homeopathics that match specific constitutional types will be covered. Students will also have the opportunity to make a remedy and participate in a “proving.” *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

Oh, those nasty critters! Parasites are involved in nearly every disease state. Identifying them and facilitating their evacuation is often more challenging. This course will teach muscle-testing skills to identify type and location of parasites, bacteria, and viruses, as well as naturopathic remedies and techniques for getting rid of them. Samples are welcome!

There are three parts to the final exam: written, oral and practical. Students will be tested over all subjects of the Natural Health Practitioner curriculum, using hands-on practical applications for Advanced Bodywork. Students will be given a written exam that contains true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching and short answer questions over all subjects covered in the third year. Every student will also sit before a panel of their peers to answer questions in a formal setting. A presentation of the student’s research paper will finish the requirements of the weekend. A graduation ceremony will follow.

4th Year Courses
(To Become a Certified Naturopath)

This course is an advanced look into the hormones and intricacies that create life. While studying the neuroendocrine system, we will begin to unravel some of the causation for the health challenges in the world of menstruation and fertility. We will explore the ways that the care of a naturopath can amazingly change the health of pregnancy, birth, and the first year of life with the newborn. We will dive deep into the hormonal cascades of pregnancy and birth while building a toolbox designed to assist where it may be needed during this time.

Today, we have more illness among our children than ever before. This class is a naturopathic approach to wellness where we will study the path of how we got to where we are today and how we can most help our children be as healthy as they are designed to be moving forward. We will discover a solid care plan for guiding our children on their wellness journey. This course will include methods of healing in both the physical and energetic body from conception throughout adolescence and into adulthood. There are only 2 times in your existence that come with a guarantee – we are all born, and we all die. This class is a comprehensive look into the process of passing on, along with the ways that you can offer guidance to those who are experiencing it. Here, you will gain a clinical understanding of the signs and signals the body gives when making the transition along with ways to support the loved ones who are witnessing this process. We visit both a hospice house and a funeral home where we speak with the professionals who have so much to do with our final act.

Healing from a degenerative disease requires balancing the physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies. This class is designed to bring together several naturopathic modalities and to deal with known disease states on all levels, one-by-one. Special attention will be given to tumors, blood sugar, circulatory problems, and forms of dementia. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

This class will take an in-depth look at many of the environmental poisons we are exposed to on a daily basis and how to counter the effects and promote natural healing. Students will learn how and why such things as fluoride, artificial preservatives and sweeteners, noise, and cellular pollutants affect the body and how to protect, preserve, and maintain health despite true environmental challenges.

Sacred Geometry of Feng Shui class will teach students the healing principles of Feng Shui as an art and science. This class will also teach students how to utilize Sacred Geometry by understanding the basic energetic concepts of shapes and numbers. The principles taught will give students the tools to achieve health and balance within their environment which promotes health and balance within themselves. This course will provide students with a framework to understand their living environment from an energetic perspective and how one’s surroundings are a reflection of ones self and health!

This course will focus on the survival foods and emergency medicines of herbology. Bringing students to the field once again, we will identify edible grasses, roots, and berries that are essential for every advanced herbology student to understand. Applications of poultices will be practiced and the doctrine of signatures will be studied in detail.

As a group, all of the seniors will decide on a getaway location and travel to it in caravan style. Upon arrival, a schedule is offered by the supervising instructor(s) to help with any review and study time needed for topics learned over the entire program. Personal time is abundant and group meals are often shared. Generally, there are a few field trips and a senior theme picture is also taken. Students are encouraged to study for their five days of final exams. Students can practice their skills or therapies on each other and reflect on their seasons of training as well as what their personal growth and development has been. There are also opportunities to discuss business or personal health plans with the advising instructor who is present at the getaway. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

A continuation of Homeopathy I, II and III, this class covers the clearing of genetically inherited miasms of the family tree. Like the peeling of an onion, students will trace back through the original diseases of mankind to today’s major health concerns. In addition, students will learn to use advanced naturopathic technology to create their own isopathic remedies. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

As a living being, we are subject to the magnetic pull and polarity of the earth. If this polarity is thrown off course by emotional trauma, accident, or injury, the entire healing system of the body can be slowed or even shut down. Learn the use of magnet and polarity therapy to bring the healing system into balance.

Advancing the study of Iridology, this class will include observation of numerous eye slides to learn the new science of Sclerology. Students will be able to determine in the first few moments of analysis which direction the client’s naturopathic program needs to go. Sclera are more easily seen and give very current information, including parasite types and location. *Prerequisites must be taken before these classes

Healing can be as subtle as a vibration of light or sound. This unique class will introduce you to the art of using sound and light in a therapeutic manner to return the body to a peaceful and harmonious state where healing can be easily achieved. This class includes lots of “ears- and eyes-on!”

The final exam consists of 5 days of testing, which includes written, oral and practical applications. Students will be tested over the five days on the course material learned in fourth year, as well as using all of the skill sets, knowledge and tools obtained throughout the whole four-year program. The week will conclude with an official ceremony recognizing the successful candidates for their achievements. A graduation ceremony will follow.

Request More Info or Enroll Today

The Naturopathy Program cost comes out to $6,600 per one-year program, discounted to $5,995 if paid in full prior to the program start date.
We offer flexible payment to put down what you need now. Use our calculator below to determine what your monthly cost will be based on your downpayment.

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Monthly Payments Not Due Until Classes Begin

The next deadline for applications is November 15th.

The Naturopathic Institute of Therapies & Education is the premier destination for natural health education and naturopathy career prep. Learn more about what we offer by filling out our Request Info Form or secure your spot by Applying Online.