Enrollment Deadlines

Natural Health Program 07/15/25

Therapeutic Bodywork Program 07/15/25

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Attendance Sheets

Students are responsible for signing in at the beginning of each class, out and in for lunch, and out at the end of the class. If you fail to sign in or out, for any section, you are considered absent and lose the scheduled hours. If you have an emergency, you must call the administration office to notify them. Excused absences will be considered on an individual basis.  Students must maintain a 90% attendance record. If they fall below 90%, they must make arrangements for make-up, if the instructor or the Director of Education approves.

The Therapeutic Bodywork Program requires an obligation of two weekends per month per class. The first-weekend class is based on theory and practice, with classes beginning on Friday night, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. The Lab class also begins Friday night from 5 p.m. – 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday obligation with classes starting at 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.  In order for a student to successfully finish the program, attendance is required for both weekends, and the first six courses will need to be finished in succession in order to move on to the next class. If you miss a class, you cannot attend the lab. If you miss the lab, you cannot take the next class, until such a date that the class and lab are offered again. This pertains to the first six classes only. All non-lab-related classes can be taken at any time.

Being Late

Classes start on time!  Any information covered will not be re-addressed for anyone who is late.  If you are 15 minutes late, you lose 1/2 hour of class time. If you are  1/2 hour late, you lose 1 hour of class time. If you are later than 1 hour, you lose 2 hours or the actual time you are late is rounded up to the next 1/4 hour, whichever is greater. If you are 15 minutes late coming back from lunch, you lose 1 hour. If you are 1/2 hour late, you lose 2 hours. In other words, DON’T BE LATE!

Excused Absences or Lateness

Requests must be in writing and sent to the administration office and will be considered on an individual basis. Consideration will be on what control the student had over the event.

Leave of Absence

A request for a leave of absence must be in writing. Each circumstance will be considered on an individual basis. We will do our best to accommodate each student with their needs. The first option is to apply their fees to the next time a course is offered. Keep in mind each diploma program is allowed 36 months to complete.

Extra Credit Hours

If a student needs to make up hours, then the instructor or administration can offer extra credit hours, granted one time per diploma year. These may include such things as a book report, giving a lecture or extra Directed Studies. These will all have a time limit and must be completed within that time in order for credit to be given. See the Director of Education for details.


Students are allowed to retake any class they have previously attended if the homework for that class has been completed. The retake fee is only $50. If the homework is not completed, the retake fee is $100.

Certificates of Attendance

Certificates of Attendance: Both diploma program students and individual class participants are awarded a Certificate of Attendance for classes that are successfully completed.

[Note: Therapeutic Bodywork Practitioner students begin receiving certificates once the first six classes are successfully completed.]

School Closure/Class Postponement Policy

The school reserves the right to change the opening and closing dates of its classes, hours of instruction, equipment, faculty, tuition rates and fees. In the event of a labor dispute, an act of God, or government mandates, the school reserves the right to postpone training until circumstances are such that the school can move forward on its regular course of business. All students will receive the opportunity to finish their programs. In case of such an event, students will be communicated with through our Website, email, and social media platforms, and should be construed as official notification and communication.

Student Conduct

Students are expected to practice common courtesy and to respect fellow students’ boundaries.  Students must practice proper hygiene. No disruption of the class is acceptable. Soliciting of fellow students for products or services is not allowed. All cell phones must be turned off during class time. If the need arises, a student will be notified and given a verbal warning of the offensive behavior. If the situation is not resolved, the student will receive a written warning including the offense, the correction needed, and the results if not corrected. If the situation is not corrected, the student may be withdrawn from the class or program without a refund.  Students should refrain from drinking alcohol or other illegal substances over the weekend of class and/or lab; any student whose clothing or breath has remnants of alcohol or drug usage will be asked to leave. Repeated offenses may be grounds for dismissal.

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