It’s time to take the next step in your education in natural health. We’re ready talk to you about our educational opportunities at NITE.
Natural Health: Naturopathy Program
This four-year Naturopathy Program offers a variety of classes to meet interests in the field of natural health. You will gain knowledge in several areas of natural health, including essential oils, nutrition, herbology and more.
To Sign Up:
Please mail, email, or drop off in person the following items to start your enrollment:
Enrollment Agreement
Emergency Contact Form
Class Roster
To fill out the class roster, you will need to reference this Course Schedule:
Please also provide:
- Copy of your high school diploma, transcript, GED, or equivalent
- Valid photo ID
- Payment of fee
Therapeutic Bodywork Practitioner Program
Become a licensed massage therapist in just one year with training that includes Swedish relaxation, deep tissue, lymphatic drain, pressure point, myofascia, reflexology, craniosacral, and more. This program meets two weekends per month and requires 625 hours of instruction and 100 hours of independent study.
To Sign Up:
Please mail, email, or drop-off in person the following items to start your enrollment:
Enrollment Agreement
Emergency Contact Form
Class Roster
To fill out the class roster, you will need to reference this Course Schedule:
Please also provide:
- Copy of your high school diploma, transcript, GED, or equivalent
- Valid photo ID
- Payment of fee
Two weeks written notice is required if there is a change in scheduled courses submitted. When no advanced notice is given, a $100 retake fee will be charged. The copy of your high school diploma, transcript, GED, or equivalent, needs to be received in the Enrollment Office no later than six weeks after enrollment. The Naturopathic Institute will not release any official documents to the student, or a third party until all enrollment documents are received.